Joe Henry about producing music with Madonna

Posted by Sylar On Friday, July 23, 2010

Joe Henry in the sudioMadonna's brother in law Joe Henry, who co-wrote Madonna's hits Don't Tell Me and Jump has been asked by Jam! if producing an album for the Queen of Pop would be a good idea.

And he said: "Don't think we haven't talked about it. When she's ready to make that shift, it's easily done. I think it's just a matter of her getting to the point creatively where she is completely at peace with swimming in different water. I believe we'll get there. And I'll be terribly excited about it when it happens."

Source: Jam!, MadonnaTribe

11 Responses to "Joe Henry about producing music with Madonna"

  1. Anonymous Said,

    Going back to work with a real musician would be nice. I really dream of Madonna going retro and produce with Henry and Leonard and any new talent that she could discover. I mean enough of the same sound, all dance and bips and bleeps!!!


  2. TinkerTenor Said,

    I agree with Joe. If she wanted to write an album of acoustic stuff, sit on a stool and play her guitar while singing she could easily succeed doing so. Many songs on AL were under-appreciated and lots of her other more dance-heavy songs would sound great in a more acoustic arrangement as well.


  3. Anonymous Said,

    nope, never gonna happen. Madonna's too money-wanting to do anything dangerous. However, it would be nice to hear to take a risk.


  4. James Said,

    She won't work with him. I don't think she cares about being innovative anymore. If, when she eventually decides to make music again, he'll work with flavour of the moment producers (i.e. David Guetta) like everyone else does in an attempt to stay relevant. Sad, but true. I'm past wishing she would go back to working with past producers (Orbit, Mirwais, Sigsworth). :(


  5. Trey Said,

    I would love M to work with JH on a full album. One of my favorite M tracks is "guilty by association". I am hoping she will make a good pop record without it being just dance music and radio friendly. Let her movie be done and hopefully she will have had the time to really ingest something musically without just a fucking producer.


  6. Anonymous Said,

    I would love for her to make pop music again. I hope she got the whole collaboration thing out of her system. She needs to make her OWN record!


  7. Anonymous Said,

    This guy is so boring. I hope she stays far away from him.


  8. Anonymous Said,

    I was wondering why Madonna's new record company (Live Nation) wasn't pushing her to work on new material - given she's been signed up for well over a year now.

    I then read this:

    Which suggests that Live Nation are more of music promoter - and will not own the copyright of any Madonna or U2 tracks.

    So given the expensive flop (sales wise) Hardy Candy was (and how expensive it was to produce relative to Confessions that recorded in Stuart Price's attic) I'm wondering if Live Nation even interested in Madonna recording new material?

    If they can milk god knows how much from the Hard Candy tour (based around Madonna's lowest ever selling album) surely their cash is on greatest hits tours / Vegas residencies etc.


  9. Trey Said,

    Anonymous Said,
    26 July 2010 20:41
    This guy is so boring. I hope she stays far away from him.

    You sound pretty boring. What is boring about music other than pop or dance?


  10. Leo Said,

    It's not my top if she works with Joe Henry, however I prefer 1million times that working with shit Guetta (who ruined revolver). I can get to like some songs from Joe.


  11. Anonymous Said,

    Well I am crossing my fingers for the next album. I would definitely like her to just make an album without any outside influence from another person really. Just her having an idea expressing it and it getting done. She could also do an album that has different songs in terms of genre but flows nicely. One of my favorite artists JES has in my opinion albums like that. She has pop, rock, dance, a lil bt of jazz etc. in her songs they are different not all the same. But I hope she takes her time and it blows us away.


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