Meet Lola

Posted by Sylar On Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Madonna’s daughter Lourdes blogs on, where you can also preview some of the designs from the upcoming “Material Girl” collection.

lola-pic Helluuur thurrrr, I’m Lola and this is my first blog entry so it’s kind of like ummmm….

I’m just going to use this blog entry to tell y’all a little bit about myself. I’m 13 and I’ll be 14 in October, so I can’t wait for that because I am FINALLY allowed to dye my hair… THANK YOU MOTHER!! My favvvv color is black (just because it goes with everything) and my least favorite color is brown (because it resembles the color of something QUITE gross).

I am totally obsessivo about 80’s shorts… You know the kind that makes your butt look kinda big, with a grunge-looking shirt tucked in. It’s kinda nerdy but I love it. And the 80’s are another huge obsession of mine, which is totally amazingly awesome because Material Girl…HELLO! It’s like 80’s themed, which pretty much rocks, so yeah. I’m still in love with brogues or as some people call them “oxford shoes”. I haven’t found a good sandal so I’m on like a search right now.


I’m in London right now and the best stores ever here,I love the vintage stores down in Whitechapel, also a lot of hot guys hang there just in case y’all care. Music wise My Chemical Romance is THE BEST BAND EVER for realzzzz. They are so awesome it hurts. If you don’t know who they are just… go away OR download their songs.

So, as you may know, Material Girl is coming out soon… HOLLA HOLLA! Ok and this is pretty awesome I will send a FREE t-shirt  to the first person who can  tell me in which big store the opening of Material Girl is….how cool rigghhhhhht???Annnnnnd I am 4 realz excited for the opening which I will give you the exact dates for in my next blog entry, so stay tuned for more.

So I want to know what you guys think about rompers… is that like a hit or miss, ‘cause I’m not sure. If you comment, be sure to tell me what you think.

OK but no joke gladiator sandals are OUT. They came out in summer 2008 and I was like, ok those are really cute. Then 2009 comes around and people are still wearing them so I’m like, ok whatever it’s just a phase. BUT NOOOOO. Because good old 2010 is now coming along and people are STILL wearing them, and then I was just like OK NO! It’s been three years people COME ON!!!!!!!!! I’m just like what????

Ok so I think that is sufficient for my first blog entry and what do you know, it wasn’t all like “ummmmm”. I look forward to writing my second one. Stay tuned if you don’t already think I’m annoying.

XO Lola

4 Responses to "Meet Lola"

  1. Petal Said,

    Material Girl opens at Macys.

    I, too, dislike gladiator sandals and wish they would just go away.

    Rompers… I think it depends on your body-type. Definitely a miss for me.


  2. Anonymous Said,

    ohhhh Lola is the cutest!!!! I love her more! She sounded a bit timid unlike the Queen Mum! whoopsss... is that bad to say to Her Madgesty? Whatever! I love them both!!! Long Live The Queen!


  3. Trey Said,

    She is so gourgeous. Totally a mini Madonna. Her blog sounds like a silly 13 year old girl, but that's what she is! LOVE her mama and her.


  4. dar Said,

    she sounds crazy i love it


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