'Hard Candy' album cover gets a great review

Posted by Sylar On Monday, May 12, 2008
The review has been written by CoverCulture - the album cover review source.

3.5 / 4 Stars

Review by Darren Melchiorre

She’s been a virgin, a dominatrix, a cowgirl, a geisha, a pimp mommy, and even an army G.I. Isn’t a boxing champion the next most logical incarnation for the one and only Madonna? It seems almost too calculated, right? But who cares! In the end, her latest costume change along with her highly anticipated album, Hard Candy, accomplishes what 2005’s Confessions on a Dance Floor didn’t quite get to…downright and carefree (not sugarfree) fun! And her candy-coated album cover certainly packs a punch.

This time when she steps into the ring, we have heavyweight champion Madonna straddling a stool in front of a peppermint candy background intimidating you in a way we all love to hate. What a smack in the face and a left hook punch she gives that you can’t help but turn you head as you walk into any music store. The cover challenges (Madonna is beyond “inviting” you anymore) you to come into her store where she will proceed to kick the crap out of you and have such a jolly sweet time. Finally, an album cover that delivers! There is no fancy lettering or hidden meanings behind the art. It gets you right into the ring with fun and doesn’t take itself at all seriously. And if the carefree character Madonna is playing isn’t enough, any designer that uses AG Book Rounded Bold as their title font is surely in it purely to have fun! It’s pure enjoyment and oh so sweet. Just look at Madonna’s tongue! It’s almost like she wants to lick up every ounce of sugar left over. Move over Willy Wonka and give it to her!

Steven Klein (photographer) and Giovanni Bianco (art director) were the creative team behind 2005’s Confessions album cover, but this time they return and score a knockout with Hard Candy. The disco ball of Confessions didn’t sparkle as brightly as it should have, but with Candy, the wrapper is only the beginning of something so delicious. I have a sweet tooth and I want some more. We all need a little something sweet now and then and this cover and Madonna deliver a TKO!

Thanks to RJ1972!

1 Response to "'Hard Candy' album cover gets a great review"

  1. Anonymous Said,

    r u kidding me???
    I hate the cover...lol


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