Exclusive: Madonna's return to Malawi on 50 Min Inside

Posted by Sylar On Sunday, April 22, 2007

File Name: 2007 M @ Malawi - 50mn Inside TF1 Report.mpg
Size: 108MB
Download Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/5p7gqu

French tv show "50 Min Inside" featured a much anticipated report about Madonna's return to Malawi tonight.
The best part was certainly in the footage they shown from this past week - that is basically the reel version of the agency images that have been circulating since last Monday as you can see by the captures below.
The worst part was the programme's attempt to "reveal the truth" about what they call "The Madonna Malawi Enigma" - that failed to separate facts from rumours and largely indulged in presenting gossip as true stories in a quite rushed four minute report - aslo thanks to rather questionable "people in the know" like Madonna biographer Florence Rajon who basically made a nice bucket of all the latest trash from the UK press and talked about it as if she was personally sure that was the naked truth. The reasons behing Guy's abscence from Malawi, "adoption for money" deal and second adoption tale included, of course.
Wonder why the Ritchies don't watch the telly?

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