More rumours on Nip/Tuck from The Sun

Posted by Sylar On Monday, March 12, 2007

More rumours on Nip/Tuck from The Sun:

MADONNA is set to strip NAKED in raunchy TV series Nip/Tuck — for a romp with a hunky doc.

The Queen of Pop will prove she still has it at 48 by showing all in the US show about sex-mad plastic surgeons.

A show source said: “Everybody ends up taking their clothes off and usually having sex with JULIAN McMAHON’s character Dr Christian Troy.

Madonna has the body of a woman half her age and is bound to be in a nude scene.

“She knew that when she agreed to do the show in the first place.”

Nip/Tuck creator RYAN MURPHY is writing a part for the singer and wants her to appear with ROSIE O’DONNELL, her co-star in 1992 baseball movie A League Of Their Own.

Rosie has proved a hit with Nip/Tuck fans since appearing as a multi-millionaire lottery winner and starring in a steamy sex scene with McMahon.

Hollywood star NICOLE KIDMAN is also set to guest star in the series.

Meanwhile Madonna was househunting in New York at the weekend, fuelling rumours she wants to spend less time in Britain.
The star looked at a £20million six-storey East Side mansion.

A US real estate source said: “She is seriously looking to buy.

“She wants big and grand. She’s looking for dramatic ceiling height, large entertaining space and flat-out opulence.”

Film director hubby GUY RITCHIE, 38, has encouraged her to settle in the UK but she is eager to spend more time in the US.

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