Guy gives Madonna a dressing-down

Posted by Sylar On Saturday, March 03, 2007
When it comes to deciding whether her new outfits are hot or not, it's Madonna's husband who wears the trousers.
And since the 48-year-old pop superstar is about to launch a range of clothes for High Street chain H&M, it's a good thing that Guy Ritchie has impeccable taste.
Madonna confides: 'I try them out on my husband - I put on an outfit and say, 'Do you like this?' and he says, 'Yes, that's cool'. I think he pretty much approves of how I dress. But once he said, 'I like the dress you're almost wearing'.'
But she gets her own back when it comes to Guy's wardrobe.
'I like it when my husband wears suits and I tell him that on a regular basis,' she says. 'He is very obedient in the clothes department!' We don't doubt it...

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