Madonna never has a day off working out

Posted by Sylar On Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Pop superstar MADONNA exercises seven days a week to keep fit - insisting there’s no time for rest. The 48-year-old combines a rigorous fitness routine with horse-riding and a healthy diet to maintain her toned physique, not allowing herself any time for proper rest and relaxation.

She says, "I mix it up - Pilates, gyrotonics, yoga. I do it six days a week, with Sundays off. "Actually Sunday is a day of horse-riding. There’s no such thing as a day off." But despite treating her body like a temple, Madonna still has "fat days", and always takes measures to make herself feel better. She says, "I run longer on the treadmill and don’t eat as much the next day, so then it evens out, but I’m sure it’s all in my head."

Source: Contact Music.

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