Madonna interview on Sirius Radio

Posted by Sylar On Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Madonna had an exclusive chat with Larry Flick of Sirius Radio today about the release of her Confessions Tour DVD.

Their chat turned out being one of the most entertaining recent interview with the Queen of Pop, spanning from discussing her tours, her fans, Madonna as a performer, way she composes music, and what is she listening the most to at the moment.

Asked about her favourite tour Madonna said she'd go for her most recent one, The Confessions Tour, while Larry told her he loved the Drowned World Tour a lot.

Madonna also talked about how much fun has been for her to perform on a catwalk and two satellite stages in this last tour, something that made her feel like she was performing in a club instead of as an arena.
They also talked about the message in the Live To Tell performance and how people got it.

Larry asked about how she feels when she plays guitar on stage and Madonna told him Confessions is the tour where she performed on guitar the most, playing electric guitar in two songs and performing a third one acoustic. She would love to play guitar even more but her director always tells her that people want her to move around if she's playing guitar she needs to be standing behind a microphone instead.

She also plays guitar when she composes new songs and that's what she is doing right now.

Larry told Madonna he would go crazy for a full rock 'n roll record and asked her if that would sound crazy to her to what Madonna replied with a tongue in cheeck laugh and said "No, not at all, I'll go downstairs and tell Pharrell about that right now."

It would be cool to go back to her Detroit root with more of that and - she said - "I'll keep that suggestion in my back pocket".

Larry asked Madonna about editing the DVD and she said she usually doesn't like too much to watch herself - especially after months of rehearsals and show time, but she's happy that the DVD captures the show the way she wanted to be captured and her proud moments are those when she's watching other people's work, the dancers' confessions, the Sorry interlude images, more than watching herself.

Asked about her current favourite record Madonna revealed there are two records she's been listening to a lot - the one from Gnas Barkley and the Justin Timberlake one that is also her favourite one to workout to.

Madonna and Larry also had a nice chat about her relationship with her gay audience - that was again filled of smart and funny quotes.

And as a lot of people say they want to be Madonna, Larry asked her about who she would like to be instead, and she mentioned the likes of Gandhi, Martin Luther King and John Lennon.

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