Mert & Marcus photo from the May “Interview” magazine

Posted by Sylar On Sunday, May 02, 2010

This advertising in today's New York press announces the upcoming breathtaking portfolio Madonna shot with Mert Alas & Marcus Piggott for Fabien Baron's "Interview" magazine.

"Madonna flexes her muscles while chatting with director Gus Van Sant in interview about his film "Milk," her devotion to Malawi and on her early career."


Source: MadonnaTribe

20 Responses to "Mert & Marcus photo from the May “Interview” magazine"

  1. Anonymous Said,



  2. Anonymous Said,

    burning up cover 2.0


  3. Anonymous Said,

    Kinda silly still very Candy era , maybe is an old pic


  4. Trey Said,

    I LOVE it! Like a mix between M now and M in the beginning!


  5. Anonymous Said,

    I didnt think of hard candy when I saw that pic I thought of the old 80s pic in which she is biting and stretching a chain or something. Like someone else said from the burning up video. I think it is a mesh of past meets present. I like it though way better than those simple black and white shots from before. Id like to see some more edge.


  6. Anonymous Said,

    That picture looks nothing like her at all. Long after I canceled a subscription to that pretentious rag, she still gives them spreads and I have to buy a copy.


  7. Anonymous Said,

    uhh...very hard attitude. doesn't really fit to her acutal diva-like style for the d&g-campaign. i hope this will not be the style for the new album.


  8. Anonymous Said,

    She looks amazing!!! I love her eye(s)!!


  9. Gelana Said,

    Oh believe me honey it looks like her, and she looks beautifull xxxxxxxxxx


  10. Anonymous Said,

    Amazing as usual, love the lips!


  11. Anonymous Said,

    I just love it.
    it would be cool new album cover


  12. Anonymous Said,



  13. Quitcherbichinn Said,

    Airbrushed to he'll and back but the bitch looks damn good! So much better than the HC era. Hopefully she'll have this type of look going forward. Slutty but smoking hot!


  14. quitcherbichinn Said,



  15. Anonymous Said,

    Someone said dosent look like her. She has a gazzion looks and that is the point. She can change it up for the theme and look w.e. and like completely someone else. That is what is special about her aesthetically.


  16. Anonymous Said,

    OMG, when are we going to stop the the bitchy "airbrushed to hell and back" comments?!

    Here's a secret for you, EVERYONE on the cover of a magazine or in an editorial spread gets retouched. EVERYONE. No matter how young, how old, how beautiful.

    At the end of the day, she looks like her beautiful self, and no one is going to be confused as who it is.

    These are her most iconic pics in quite some time. Bravo to Mert Alas & Marcus Piggott.


  17. Quitcherbichinn Said,

    So should I say it again to piss you off since you seem to fly off the handle for no reason?

    She is photoshopped to hell and back!!!!!

    You obviously ignored the rest of what I said above when I stated she looked fucking hot.

    But go win the diuchenozzle award for the day. Now go punch a baby or w/e you do to feel good about yourself.


  18. Anonymous Said,

    I Saw The Making Of Video And She Looked Pretty Much The Same As The Pics. It Is Called A Makeup Artist. Or Are You Going To Tell Me They AirBrushed The Video As Well TO HELL AND BACK!!! LMAO.


  19. quitcherbichinn Said,

    how big is the video? i saw it as well and it was an ipod screen size? have you heard of lighting? only showing the footage that paints the picture you want? the list goes on.

    if you truly think that madonna's face is that flawless then you are insane. look at pics that aren't used in print...the throwaway pics from her shoots.

    see don't get me wrong..i think the woman looks great no matter what but let's be realistic here ok?

    the woman is 51 and while she looks amazing there is still the harsh reality that we all age and show it.

    i can post ENDLESS amounts of pics of madonna, that are current, that have not been altered. you can compare them to these...then tell me that in your fuzzy little pink world that these pics aren't photoshopped.

    and btw...why the fuck did this conversation have to get this far into this bullshit? get the fuck out of your mom's basement and pull your head out of your ass. nothing in my initial post was wrong, inaccurate, or called for your whiney bitchy shit.

    so again...go punch a baby or w/e it is you do to enjoy yourself.


  20. Anonymous Said,

    you cant photoshop sexy. you cant photoshop attitude. you BRING sexy and you BRING attitude and that is EXACTLY what Madonna is bringing to the INTERVIEW pics. they pics are outta control and proves why time and time again Madonna make the rest look like a bunch of wanna be's.


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