Madonna returns to Malawi this week

Posted by Sylar On Monday, April 05, 2010

Madonna and her family are scheduled to travel to Malawi this week to visit several important projects for orphans and vulnerable children that she and Raising Malawi have been working on since 2006.
She is expected to visit the Millennium Village which she supports along with Dr. Jeffrey Sachs, one of the world's leading economists. “I look forward to seeing the amazing progress being made in that community as well as several other projects that are currently underway including the creation of a Girl’s Academy. I'm hugely excited to be joining Dr. Sachs and Hans Vestberg, the CEO of Ericsson, to launch a new campaign for worldwide access to education using mobile technology,” stated Madonna. A formal announcement regarding the campaign will be made on Tuesday in Malawi.
For further information on Raising Malawi, go to


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