“Glee” on Madonna episode

Posted by Sylar On Monday, January 18, 2010

Wanna know the best time to hit up a TV producer for spoilers? Take it from me, it’s when they smell a Golden Globe coming. Read on and feast on the scoopapalooza Ryan Murphy gave me just minutes before Glee’s big victory last night…
The upcoming Madonna episode deserves to be called “very special.” “It’s big… huge. We’re shooting it now. It’s got like 10 numbers in it, and the production value is very big. We adore her and worship her, so when I’m directing, I’m always like, ‘Do it for Madonna.’” (Ed. note: Murphy wouldn’t say which Madge tune Jane Lynch’s Sue would be doing, but I can confirm that it’s “Vogue.”)

Source: Entertainment Weekly

2 Responses to "“Glee” on Madonna episode"

  1. Anonymous Said,

    this is a fox-series. very disappointing that madonna is licensing her songs to a channel which published so many bad news about her. all for money?? there is nothing more to say.


  2. Anonymous Said,

    Ever thought it was for and about the show. That maybe she liked what the show was trying to get at. This is a show about art and expression, I hardly doubt she needs anymore money.


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