The Material Girl met Luz in December (08) at a photoshoot for W magazine, which saw the pair pose for a series of provocative photos, weeks before Madonna's divorce from filmmaker Guy Ritchie was finalised in January (09). The couple has since been snapped jet-setting around the globe, sparking speculation Madonna had taken Luz on as her lover and plans to marry him in a Kabbalah commitment ceremony. But in a candid new interview on Brazilian TV show Fantastico, the 22 year old has downplayed his relationship with the superstar. He says, "She is someone I truly admire, a friend who is in my life, who I have worked with, and who I keep in touch with. I can't say anything else besides that. She is a friend, and nothing but a friend."
And Luz insists he isn't bothered by the international press labelling him Madonna's toyboy. He adds: "Actually I have never cared about what other people say about me because if I let people's negativity enter my life then I will not be able to stay focused and follow my path."
Source: ContactMusic
That's good news! Madonna was probably thrilled when the press saw Jesus as her toyboy and didn't want to deny that. Publicity is always welcome I guess...