Madonna Ciccone and ex-husband Guy Ritchie said on Wednesday that a statement released on the singer's behalf detailing terms of their divorce was "misleading and inaccurate."
Liz Rosenberg, Madonna's spokeswoman in New York, said on Monday the singer had given British film director Ritchie between 50 and 60 million pounds ($76-92 million) as part of their divorce.
Both The Associated Press and Reuters reported the figures, but now the couple are distancing themselves from the accuracy of the details.
"We have tried to maintain a dignified silence regarding the details of our divorce for the last few months whilst accepting the obvious media interest," said a joint statement from the pair.
"A misleading and inaccurate statement, specifically in relation to the sums of money involved, was wrongly issued to AP this week," it added.
"The financial details of the settlement will remain private, save to say that both of us are happy with our agreement. Our primary concern, like any co-parents, is the care and well being of our children." A London representative of Madonna confirmed to BBC news today that it was a joint statement.
Source: Reuters
I can see how Guy called Her Madgesty and complained to her why the sum of money he's getting was publicly release...Guy tsk, tsk, tsk like the Big 3 Car company CEOs and Madoff, nothing but a scumbag!!! I wish your new film and other films to come will suck MAYJA!!! Long Live The Queen!!!
i agree...i don't wish anyone any failures in life and honestly, i don't know what went on personally in the ritchie household. for guy to pubicly say that he doesn't want a penny from madonna was bullshit from the beginning. he's a sad man...possbily a goldd*****?! viva madonna!