I got a chance to go on tour with Madonna in Europe and like any one who's been a fan of her since the age of ten I was super exited. Contrary to what you might have read elsewhere its been FUN! I've played to Madonna's audience in eleven different cities, all of which have received us well even though I was only the opening act. Me and my band got to know Madonna's production team and they were very helpful. Madonna's management was super cool and we hung out with the band and dancers and had a lot of fun with them. When I met her at the end of the tour she was really cool and natural. I got a chance to thank her for putting me on and she even told me she was a fan! It was a very special moment i will never forget.
When I arrived on the first day of the tour I was surprised by the tight security that involved us as well. It took a couple of days to find my place on this big adventure but the tour has been a once in a lifetime experience. I have gotten the rare opportunity to see an enormous production from the inside and get the chance to perform in front of tens of thousands of people at every show.
In one interview I was asked if I wanted a career like Madonnas and I said no, my worst nightmare would be trying to be a Madonna. She's an icon and a pioneer, but only Madonna can be Madonna. It would be sad to try to copy her model. Times are different nowadays as well. Even if I tried, it would be hard to build what she has achieved in the climate of the music industry today. I want to be me and work from my own small independent record company.
I want to be left alone in my creative process. I imagine she has lots and lots of people telling her things. Every one watches her every move. Obviously she can cope with that, but for me that pressure would be a burden. Too many other people have cracked under much less pressure in the music world and as a woman it's even harder to stay at the top. The peer pressure, fashion mags and media celebrate youth, beauty and the new in females and most people are lucky to stay around for 5 years. I learned that next to the president of the United States of America, Madonna must be the most famous person on earth whose every little move is watched by millions and a complete security state is surrounding her!
I´m from a little country called Sweden where even though a lot of people know me here, I still can go to the store and buy milk in my underwear. And I would love to keep that for me.
But who am I to judge her? Watching her on stage during the tour I could tell that she was really enjoying herself. She is probably doing exactly what she wants to do and that´s why she is so inspiring. I want to be like that as well, I want to be myself."
Source: Perez Hilton
Thanks for posting this, that was a great reading and she does sounds sincere and honest about it.
"I imagine she has lots and lots of people telling her things."
Probably wrong. Madonna most likely has lots and lots of people depending on her, but they were probably put on notice a long time ago. She's the boss and when she wants input she'll ask for it. Even though the industry can't really produce another Madonna, she stays on top because of her track record.