Rihanna performing Vogue

Posted by Sylar On Sunday, September 07, 2008
Rihanna performed her own version of Madonna's Vogue on stage at the Conde Nast Media Group's 2008 Fashion Rocks at Radio City Music Hall in New York City on Friday (September 5th 2008).

One of Rihanna's dancers,
Kevin A. Stea, has already performed with the queen of pop herself on Blond Ambition Tour.

Thanks to Ant!

9 Responses to "Rihanna performing Vogue"

  1. Anonymous Said,

    Aweful! Sorry, but I don't like it. It's just that I'm used to Madonna singing it! But I don't like Rihanne singing it, I don't really like her voice.


  2. Sylar Said,

    No worries! M and all her versions of Vogue rock.
    Other artists can do whatever they want with Vogue, but they will never top or be as good as M.

    But then again, it's very nice to see artists paying tribute to the queen of pop.


  3. Anonymous Said,

    Well, she is doing it in a high class way, with costumes and everything. So I think its an honor for M.
    Of course, I like Ms ways of doing Vogue way better:-)


  4. Anonymous Said,

    Yeah M rocks! I just want people to do their own thing. Of course, it's nice and funny to see how many people look up to Madonna! Wanting to be as popular as her. But Rihanna.. no thanks! Haha. Don't like it.


  5. Anonymous Said,

    I love Kylie's version of Vogue, but this version sucks!!


  6. Anonymous Said,

    this version is okay...i love rhihanna though. kevin stea -- didn't he sue madonna after "truth or dare" came out? i remember it was three dancers who settled with M after the film's release. that's pretty lame and shady of him and now he's performing an M tune?!?! no thanks, kevin!


  7. Anonymous Said,

    stop hating on rihanna. She's the biggest female in pop right now. and she said that her biggest idol growing up was M...so its only right dat the bigger pop star (right now) pays tribute to the Queen. plus she killed it!


  8. Anonymous Said,

    I like that version as well and i love rihanna too, coz M is a book of music and rihanna is a student can learn from that huge book which is a good step for her future. stuuning song yesterday, today & tomorrow, lov u both


  9. altered_mind Said,

    I love Rihanna, and of course no one performing will ever sound as good as Madonna since she was the original artist, but I think it is wonderful that we have the current pop princess pay tribute to Madonna. In many ways, Rihanna is sort of like the new "Madonna figure" and no I don't mean she is taking her place, but her music is ultra popular, her style has been mimicked (short hair cut, umbrella hair cut), and her style is quickly evolving.


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