Madonna's official 2009 calendar

Posted by Sylar On Monday, September 22, 2008

Here is the cover photo from Madonna's official 2009 calendar. You can already pre-order it at
Item will be released in October 2008.

8 Responses to "Madonna's official 2009 calendar"

  1. Anonymous Said,

    Very excited! Can not wait for X-Mas this year, especially if it includes the dvd's of RIT and (or) Blond Ambition.


  2. foggy74 Said, have the calendar for £5 for those in the UK


  3. Anonymous Said,

    Have just preordered from, madonna does the best calendars.


  4. Anonymous Said,

    I'm not excited about the cover picture.


  5. Anonymous Said,

    Same photo!!!?????! Madge ok optimized your time but we need new ideas!!!


  6. Anonymous Said,

    on it says about this calendar This new edition includes pictures spanning more than 2 decades of Madonna history, from her first studio album to her successful 2008 'Sticky & Sweet' Tour. maybe some old outtakes ?


  7. Sylar Said,

    Yeah, I read that too. It would be amazing if we got some outtakes, but I won't hold my breath for that :D


  8. Anonymous Said,

    Looks good, I like the cover and let's be honest, it can't be worse than this years mess...


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