DL: Madonna's demos

Posted by Sylar On Friday, September 26, 2008
BURNING UP - demo with "Emmy & the Emmys" 1981
Link: MediaFire

I CAN'T FORGET [Exclusive clips] (1995) [Madonna & D. Foster demo for Something To Remember]
Link: MediaFire

THE POWER OF GOODBYE (LQ mp3) (1997) [Orbit early mix/demo]
Link: MediaFire

Source: MadonnaChile

5 Responses to "DL: Madonna's demos"

  1. Anonymous Said,

    I reeeeaaaly love "I Can't Forget"!
    The Power of Goodbye early demo sounds the same to the album version to me?


  2. Anonymous Said,

    Thanks! Hmm... I wonder when the full demo for "I Can't Forget" will be leaked? I can't wait for that to happen.


  3. Anonymous Said,

    I can't wait for the full length version of ''I Can't Forget''
    I hope we don't have to wait as long as we did for ''Triggering''


  4. Anonymous Said,

    Burning Up demo doesn't play. The player don't recognize the file. Anyone else problems with it?


  5. Anonymous Said,

    Mine plays, but it's reaaaaaaaaally poor quality... don't let it bug you too much! ;)


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