Ain't No Big Deal

Posted by Sylar On Wednesday, August 27, 2008
It's a few minutes after 23.00 in Nice and the second concert of the Sticky & Sweet Tour has just ended. Nothing has changed from the Cardiff show (minus the little technical mess ups). This has been the first show where the Hot Ticket was supposed to grant access to the front barricade area, but not priority access.

We are being informed by Hot Ticket purchasers that when they were let in there were already fans with a standard Pelouse Or ticket in front of them. As you can understand a lot of fans who paid for the full Hot Ticket are NOW fuming!

Further more the gold circle area of the Nice stadium was 75% of the pitch, which is quite ridiculous and now the many people who got the Live Nation Hot Ticket Packages for other venues (except for London) are very worried that the famous Hot Ticket is NOT a big deal for purchasers. One thing is not having priority access but in Nice the Hot Ticket purchasers did not even have equal chances to be in the front as they were apparently let in after people with standard tickets.

Photo: ReutersYahoo! News (found on MadonnaTribe)

1 Response to "Ain't No Big Deal"

  1. Anonymous Said,

    Hi Sylar and thank you again for your work.
    Where I could find this pic in HQ?
    I love it!!!!



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