ICON: Hello Nunzio and welcome to Icon, Madonna’s Official Fan Club ! Is this your very first interview as an actor?
NUNZIO: Hello Icon,
Yes this is my very first interview and thank you for the “actor”.
ICON: Before discussing your incredible performance in the M by Madonna ad, would you please tell us a little more about you? Where are you from and what is your “main” job?
NUNZIO: I was born in south of Italy; I’m based in Milan and I’m SINGLE!!!! I work in the fashion business since ever, actually I’m a Freelance Fashion Celebrities Consultant.
ICON: We’ve heard that you and Madonna met thanks to Donatella Versace and became friends. Is that true? Do you remember the first time you met Madonna?
NUNZIO: Yes it’s true, I worked for Versace for long time and Donatella Versace introduced me to Madonna during one of her visits at the boutique in Milan asking me to assist her.
Being a great fan of Madonna I was very happy but at the same time intimidated. She was very sweet, she felt my emotions and with her great sensitiveness she made it easy, sometimes even speaking in Italian. In the long run we had the chance to know and trust one each other and I’m very honoured of her friendship.
ICON: We have been told that when Madonna first approached you to act in the commercial, you didn’t want to. You’re probably one of the only men on earth who said “No” to Madonna. Do you know why she wanted you to star in the ad? Would you explain us how you came to take part in the project?
NUNZIO: Oh no! I’ve never said no to Madonna! I went to London for the audition and I was sure they would have sent me back home immediately. When they confirmed me I thought that Madonna was joking me ……. But no, she was serious and then I was ready to run away. Madonna convinced me to stay because she was sure that I would have been perfect for the part, looked like it was written for me and she told me I didn’t need to act but only to be myself. As always I trusted her and she was wonderfully supporting and encouraging.
ICON: After watching the ad, we can’t help but congratulate you for such a brilliant and funny performance! Are you satisfied with the final cut? Would you share a few memories about the making of the ad with us?
NUNZIO: Thank you very much.
During filming I had no idea how it would be at the end, when I saw the final cut I was proud to be part of it. The AD is brilliant I LOVE IT!! You must know that my English pronunciation is … particular, sometimes during the filming not even Madonna could resist laughing, forgiving me “some” extra takes!
Probably the only scene well performing at the first was the one about the slap!!!!
ICON: You’re part of the fashion scene and worked with lots of talented people during the past years. How was it to work with Madonna? What is your vision of her as an artist but also as a trendsetter?
NUNZIO: Working with Madonna is always a unique experience. She is an extraordinary artist and professional, she knows exactly the results she wants to reach and there is so much to learn from her. Her great talents require both from her as well the others the best, she sees in you more then yourself and she helps you to reach it. I loved the way she motivates and bonds the team making all us feel one. As an Artist as well as a trendsetter she is absolutely an Icon. Music, images, fashion, beauty, she is a leader because she is unique, innovative, transgress even when conservative, always a step ahead. She believes strongly and she is always passionately herself in everything she does, people understand it and follow her. Her styles always strongly influence fashion at every level, she spoiled us to expect the best from her and she always delivers it.
ICON: The ad is going to air in several countries and people will soon recognize you wherever you will go. Are you prepared for that?
NUNZIO: I have already prepared several autographed pictures of myself!!!!! No, really if I’ll be recognized I don’t know how to deal with it.
ICON: Let’s imagine that a famous director offers you star in his forthcoming movie. What will you say?
NUNZIO: I really don’t know, certainly I’ll ask advice to Madonna.
ICON: Thank you so much Nunzio for answering our questions! Would you have a special message for Madonna?
NUNZIO: Thank you, it was a pleasure.
I would like to thank Madonna with all my heart for being so wonderful, careful with me and for this incredible and unforgettable opportunity. I loved it
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