The filth-fest that was late-1992 was soundtracked by Madonna's sixth studio album but yet again, the completed tracklisting was not what Madonna originally had planned, if the newly created Maverick press information is to be believed.
Take a look at the following proof of the press leaflet from early autumn 1992 which shows the initial tracklisting for the album.

As you can see, the tracklisting order is radically different to the finished release, Goodbye To Innocence is in and Did You Do It? is out! Would that have made a better album? You decide!
Also, Bad Girl was planned as the second single, following the title track, and both singles were due to be accompanied by 'X-rated' video singles which were to be for sale to the public. Why these never materialised can only be speculated, but the instant backlash Madonna received from the prudish press may be the reason. As we all know, the video to the single Erotica was certainly saucy enough to be considered 'x-rated', but the resultant Bad Girl video was a far tamer affair that must have been originally conceived.
Looking at the album artwork at this early stage it would indicate that following on from the 1986 'True Blue' album, Maverick intended to release the 'Erotica' album with a cover consisting solely of the striking blue stylized image of Madonna's face with no writing at all.
Even her name was only added as a 'Bad Girl' font sticker as a last minute addition to the press proof!
History shows they changed that and added the, now legendary, spidery handwritten 'Madonna Erotica' titles for the eventual release.
Many thanks to Annaclare for use of the images of her sparkly stuff.
Fact of the Day is brought to you by Tony from London.
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